Monday 11 June 2012


So these are my three girls.. From left to right Poppy, Mya and Eve (or Evie as we call her). Poppy was born in April 2007 with Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus.  I found out at my 20 week scan that she had spina bifida.  I can't even put into words how I felt at that time.. I was drowned by technical terms and life expectancy predictions and worse case scenarios.  My husband however seemed to take it all in his stride. Taking on that strong supportive role that I guess was expected of him.  I was plagued throughout my pregnancy with self doubt, fear and depression.  It was only towards the end of my pregnancy that the fog started to clear and I realised that I had to snap out of it.  I was about to give birth to a very special baby and she needed her mummy.  So going into theatre on the 24 April I'm relieved to say I'd finally put on my big girl panties! For a little background info on Poppy have a look at the 'Poppy.. A brief history' tab. Thanks!

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